
Hourly Rental

Studio rental allows access to all tools and equipment at the studio during open studio. During open studio, there is always an experienced jeweler on site. However, if you are in need of instruction, we provide classes and private instruction. Studio space is available for $10 per hour, during open studio. You may also purchase a card of 10 hours worth of time and get two extra for free.


Part Time Membership

Part Time members are for anyone who knows they will be using the studio quite a bit, but don't feel completely comfortable being alone in the studio. Part time members pay $80 a month and have access to the studio during all open studio hours.


Key Membership

The Key rentals are intended to be used by jeweler's interested in getting more open studio time and people interested in starting professional work and can work around the class schedule. The key positions are not able to work during certain weekend workshops but have free reign of the studio otherwise. Each key rental comes with it's own individual locker to store work in.

*Key Members must demonstrate their jewelry knowledge and ability to follow the rules and guidelines of the studio before they will be considered to become a key member. A minimum of 6 consecutive part time months are a requirement to be considered for a key rental position.

All rental services include all utilities, gas for torches and pickle as well as access to all studio equipment which includes a rolling mill, extensive hammer collection, mandrels, pliers, dapping set, stamps wax working bench etc...


We now offer casting services on a per flask basis for $55 per flask Or $8 per piece.
*Includes investment

We also offer casting on a per piece basis.
*Studio renters are eligible to receive a 10% discount.

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